By Marcus Hoo

A crucial aspect in finding a proper job is the working culture, it can either make or break your mentality, thus it is imperative to recognize the company culture first before making your move on the company itself.

But how do you determine or reflect a good company culture? It’s often a little difficult to articulate, but there are concrete, quantifiable factors to watch out for that indicate both the health of a company or workplace and of employees’ happiness levels at work.

Signs Of A Good Company Culture

Here are some important signs to look out for that reveal what your workplace will feel like:

Clear values: A good company culture is lived out by the leadership and employees at every level, whilst being articulated and communicated throughout the organization. Positive company culture has values that every employee knows by heart.

Ethical dilemma illustration

Transparent Managers: In the workforce, transparency is key. Employees are more supportive and favor managers/higher-ups of accessible, honest and transparent reputation. This creates a sense that “we’re all in this together,” and employees are much more likely to feel good about the goals they’re working towards and the company’s mission.

Friends, not colleagues: A great work environment can be a breeding ground for friends. You can tell that the professional dynamic is going to be just as positive when coworkers choose to spend time with each other, even outside of the office.

Hand drawn youth day concept

Ongoing development opportunities: Organizations need to validate their commitment to each employee’s professional development and foster a strong sense of culture and community, with strong infrastructures that support employee growth, both in philosophy and with actual resources and budgets.

Lack of office politics:  Having a health workplace means that there should not be any gossip or office politics around the place, there has to be a good company culture where colleagues alike are all heard and valued equally.


There are several ways to figure out if the company you are striving for will have the best work culture for you to efficiently work in. These five key takeaways will surely help you be more prepared for your future endeavors.

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