About Booking
Sign up to view the availability of our Therapists and book your first session. See the pricing section for our fees, and the FAQs for further information.
If you have other questions or would like assistance in selecting a Therapist, feel free to WhatsApp or contact us directly.
Each coaching or counselling session is typically 60 minutes, be it the individual, couples or introductory session.
To book a session, please first sign up to make an account on our platform. Thereafter, sign into your Dashboard and click “Book first session”. You will be able to view the profiles and availability of all our Therapists.
Once you have selected a session with your preferred Therapist, click “Book session”. You will be directed to our payment page.
Once payment is made, a booking confirmation email will be sent to you (please check your Junk/Spam folder as well). On your Dashboard, you will also be able to see the session you have booked under “Upcoming Appointments”.
Kindly note that currently, not all therapists offer in-person sessions (subject to availability and Covid-19 restrictions). For in-person sessions, there is an additional $35 for use of the counselling room and is subjected to availability.
To book an in-person session, select an available session reflected on your preferred Therapist’s profile and inform them that you will like to book an in person session, once they confirm the venue availability, you will receive a link to make the additional payment of $35.
A booking confirmation email is sent immediately after you’ve made a payment to secure your session. For online appointments, we will send a Zoom link separately one days prior to your session.
Do check your junk or spam folder if the emails do not arrive in your inbox in the specified timeframes. If they did go to your junk folder, please mark them as “not junk” or add our email address to your safe senders list, so that you don’t miss any important emails from us.
At times, there may be a system delay and booking confirmation emails are not sent immediately. You may wish to check your inbox again a few hours later to see if your booking has gone through.
If you require further assistance, please email us at booking@aventiswellness.com, or reach out to us via WhatsApp (Click the icon) for assistance.
Once the booking is done, we regret to advise that we do not accept any rescheduling requests or cancellations within 24 hours as our therapists has blocked out their time for sessions. Any payments made towards such appointments will be non-refundable.
For cancellations of appointments made more than 24 hours prior to the session, an administrative charge of S$20 will be charged per session to cover the transaction and administrative fees.
To reschedule a session, please sign into your Dashboard on our platform. Under your upcoming appointments, you will see a “reschedule” button. Simply click on it to reschedule your current session to another date and time that best suits your availability.
Kindly note once it is within 24 hours of appointment time, the “reschedule” button will be hidden and you will not be able to reschedule the appointment.
We offer packages for both individual and couples counselling sessions. Each package consists of 3 or 5 sessions.
After you purchase the sessions, the credit will be credited to your account which you can use for booking the sessions.
If you would like to check on your balance, simply go to your Dashboard.
Each package has a validity of 12 months upon the date of your purchase.
Important Terms
Please take note of the following terms and conditions for using our platform.
Booking confirmation: You will receive an email confirmation for the session once you have made the payment. Please do check your junk folder as well to make sure you have received this.
Emergency contact details: Prior to the first session, we would require all clients to provide a phone number for their emergency contact person. We request the contact details of someone you trust and feel safe with. The emergency contact person will be contacted only in the event that your safety is at risk.
Late attendance: If you are late for your session by more than 20 minutes, this will be considered to be a non-refundable, no-show cancellation on your part.
About EAP
EAP stands for Employee Assistance Program. It is an employee benefits program provided by a company to help employees resolve issues that could impact their life. Workplace Counselling, mental wellness coaching and mental health first aid has been shown to improve employee morale and job satisfaction.
Our Employee Assistance Programme covers
- Confidential assessment
- Counselling
- Coaching
- Consultation
- Mental well-being talks
The goal of EAP is to address issues that employees are facing before they interfere with work performance. Other benefits of EAP includes:
- Improving employees’ mental wellbeing
- Improving employee morale
- Reducing staff turnover
- Reducing costs due to poor performance
- Boosting productivity
- Having a happier and healthier workforce, making for greater productivity
- Discouraging absenteeism and presenteeism
For organizations, thriving employees can help contribute in many ways. General mental wellness improves all aspects of life, including work. Counselling and other wellbeing support has been proven to not just boost employee satisfaction, but also reduce absenteeism and improve productivity.
Our therapists and mental wellness coaches include professional counsellors and psychologists. Professional counsellors are highly skilled in applying integrative therapies to assist people in working through their personal and emotional issues. Psychologists use evidence-based strategies to diagnose and manage more serious mental health illnesses and disorders non-medicinally over the long-term
At Aventis Wellness, we believe that every employee’s deserves access to emotional and mental support. Prevention Is Better Than Cure, hence, we adopt a holistic approach to mental wellness through the 8 Dimension of Wellness.
We provide affordable EAP Solution with simple onboarding in a convenient, non-judgmental and safe environment. We are focused on building a supportive community and ecosystem and we provide data-driven & measurable Outcome.
We will not share any information that allows identification of individuals seeking help via EAP, including their name, position in their organization etc. Consistent with professional and ethical obligations of Therapists, any information shared by the employee during counselling sessions is kept strictly confidential between the Therapist and the employee (subject to legal requirements e.g. harm to others).
EAP services are subsidized by the employers and are provided at low or no cost to the employees. Aventis Wellness EAP services are up to 25% cheaper than other EAP providers for employers.
About Counselling
There are countless types of therapy. The term “therapy” is widely-used, and hence, people often wonder what is meant by occupational therapy, speech therapy, massage therapy, and physiotherapy. The list goes on.
Mental health therapy is also generally known as counselling or psychotherapy. In the context of emotional difficulties, therapy is a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space. Individuals may share their struggles and work towards their goals with a trained professional.
For a start, individuals can consider going for therapy once every 2 weeks. These regular sessions will allow the therapist to work more closely with you which is highly beneficial to your therapeutic journey.
For a start, individuals can consider going for therapy once a week. Research suggests that weekly sessions allow regularity which is highly beneficial to clients, particularly at the beginning of the therapeutic journey. Having regular weekly sessions develops one’s emotional safety (Cameron, 2018) and enables one to build trust and rapport with one’s therapist (Hall, 2020).
This allows one to progress at a steady pace and ensures that during sessions, more time can be dedicated to working through one’s issues, rather than filling the therapist in about the time that has elapsed. Moreover, weekly check-ins reduce the possibility of slipping into bad habits or becoming overwhelmed by unwanted thoughts and feelings.
In addition, research indicates that after attending an average of 8 sessions (Foundation Psychology; Saxon et al., 2016), individuals report the greatest decrease in psychological distress and are most likely to experience positive changes in their lives.
It may also be helpful to note that individuals who decide to withdraw within or just after 3 sessions are less likely to experience positive outcomes as things often start taking a turn for the better after the third session (Crago & Gardner, 2012).
Nonetheless, committing to therapy is an investment of both one’s time and financial resources. You may wish to speak to your therapist and come up with a plan or schedule that works best for you.
Psychologists and professional counsellors (collectively called Therapists on our platform) are all trained in providing talk therapy that would help a client improve their mental health and wellbeing. Differentiating between psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors can be confusing. In fact, it’s one of those common questions for people seeking help.
Psychiatrist: Doctors that have been through medical school similar to general practitioners, but with a specialization in mental illness and pharmacology. Psychiatrists focus on the treatment of mental illness primarily through medications.
Psychologist: Diagnoses mental health conditions and manages more serious mental health disorders non-medicinally in the long-term. They often focus on diagnosing mental illnesses using the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-5 and the treatment of such illness.
Psychotherapist: Focuses on your thought processes and helps you identify the root causes of your issues using specific therapeutic modalities and approaches.
Mental Wellness Practitioner: Trained to assess and support people with common mental health problems – principally anxiety disorders and depression in the self-management of their recovery.
Counsellor: Employs an eclectic approach and draws from several integrative therapies to help people work through personal and emotional issues.
When looking for a therapist, you might find the terms “therapist”, “counsellor”, and “psychotherapist” used interchangeably. What is most important is trust. Look for a therapist you can trust. This is because the relationship you have with your therapist will be a key factor affecting the outcome of therapy.
Counsellor helps clients achieve overall wellness whist a psychologist analyzes clients from an exact scientific perspective and then treats their individual problems. A psychologist places less emphasis on context and more emphasis on symptoms and measurable outcomes.
The cost of counselling in Singapore can vary significantly, depending on where you go (public sector organization or private practice) and the type of mental health professional you choose to see (i.e. psychologists, professional counsellors or social workers). It can also depend on the mode of counselling, whether it is in-person, done via audio, video, or text-based live chat. Typically, a counselling session in Singapore can cost anywhere between S$80-150 per hour.
Often, we put off going for counselling as we feel like our issues are not “serious enough”, or are unsure of what to say to a therapist. Though the issues people seek support for are varied, if you have been feeling persistently low, losing interest in your usual activities, or finding it difficult to maintain relationships with your loved ones, it may be sensible to set time aside for counselling (also known as therapy).
Online counselling is the provision of counselling services by a qualified therapist (counsellor or psychologist) through online mediums (e.g. audio, video conferencing or text-based live chats). It allows for greater convenience, accessibility, and flexibility for both clients and therapists as they save on traveling time. All you need is a stable internet connection, and a personal computer or mobile device.
Text-based live chat refers to real time communication with your therapist via instant messaging through Skype or our mobile app. If you would like to have a text-based live chat session, you may go ahead and book a session on our platform as usual. Your Therapist will also provide you with their Skype details so you can add them ahead of the session.
Your safety is important to us, and hence your Therapist must be able to contact you or an individual you trust in case of an emergency. Converse with your Therapist via an audio call or text-based live chat if you prefer to remain relatively anonymous. There is no requirement to share a picture, date of birth, NRIC or other personal details that can identify you.
Yes, what you share during your sessions will be kept between you and your Therapist only, unless:
- You request for a change of Therapist, and give your consent for the new Therapist to have access to your previous Therapist’s session notes.
- There is a legal obligation and Aventis reserves the rights to disclose anything that is discussed in cases of high risk. For example, where the client is assessed to be at risk to self or others, external parties (e.g. the police, crisis service providers) may be informed of the situation.
Talk therapy has been shown to have numerous benefits to one’s overall wellbeing, including improving self-awareness, enhancing interpersonal interactions, and managing certain physical ailments. It allows one to not just deal with their immediate concerns but also cultivate healthy habits that improve their overall quality of life. These practices can then be imparted to loved ones as well.
If you are thinking about going for online counselling, you may want to consider the various advantages of doing it online, including:
- Easier access to counselling, particularly for those who are otherwise busy with work or other commitments, have care giver responsibilities, or reduced mobility.
- Greater time efficiency as travelling is not required, and scheduling is made simpler.
- Reduced inertia and fear of judgement as compared to face-to-face counselling.
- The option to express yourself through writing or audio.
- Online counselling also lightens your mental load and gives you another perspective to approach your issues.
You can talk to your Therapist about anything – there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ thing to talk about or a taboo topic that cannot be discussed. We ensure strict confidentiality of anything you say during your sessions with your Therapist.
As a general guideline, online counselling is not suitable where a person:
- is in a crisis;
- is suffering from psychiatric disorder and/or experiencing psychosis such as hallucinations, paranoia or delusions;
- experiences severe or long-term mental health illness; or
- engages in excessively risky behavior, such as heavy alcohol or drug use.
We have rigorous security standards in place for collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, in compliance with the relevant legislation in Singapore including the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA).
While it is normal to expect fast results, the simple fact is that progress takes time. To gauge if therapy is working for you, look out for these signs that suggest you are on the right track:
- You begin to notice small changes in both your physical and mental health (e.g. better sleep, uplifted moods). Do keep in mind that therapy is not always linear and that sometimes you will still have bad days or weeks.
- You don’t dread sessions. You may even start looking forward to them! Opening up to a stranger can be uncomfortable initially, but over time you’ll realize that it is a dedicated time for you to be in touch with your feelings.
- You feel respected and validated. A hallmark of therapy is being in a safe environment where your needs are heard.