What is DISC?

The DISC is an acronym for the four personality types that are known as Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. It is a simple model used to understand people and their behaviours, and is also used to predict job performance. DISC is a form of pseudoscience.

Disc assessment model for four main personality profiles of dominance influence steadiness

Who developed DISC?

DISC was developed by psychologist Dr William Moulton Marston in 1928 at Harvard University. He developed the model as a method of identifying actions and personality traits within human behaviour. The first self-assessment based on Marston’s theory was in 1956 when an industrial psychologist named Walter Clarke, in which he created the Activity Vector Analysis, a checklist of adjectives on which he asked people to indicate descriptions that were accurate about themselves.

Where is DISC used in?

DISC may be used in organizations in places like:

  • Human Resources
  • Education
  • Team Development
  • Consulting
  • Personal Relationships

Disc assessment by hr expert flat banner template

They are used to improve communication, lessen misunderstandings, improve financial performance and provide greater productivity.

What are the benefits of using the DISC Model?

Disc profiles can help to enhance your self-awareness and comprehension of your communication preferences

  • How you handle disagreement
  • How do you stay motivated?
  • What stresses you out?
  • How you go about solving problems
  • Discover your decision-making process.

You can also:

  • Discover your DiSC style with the People-Reading method.
  • Put into place workable tactics to promote teamwork.
  • Develop abilities to boost your impact as a leader.
  • Develop your sales abilities by recognizing and adapting to consumer communication types.
  • Recognize what drives and drains team members and staff to improve management.

How to learn more?

You can understand more about DISC by watching this video:


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